As a former Peck parent, current Peck grandparent, and a Peck employee, there are so many things that I miss right now, living in the midst of a global pandemic.
I miss spending time with my extended family, watching my grandchildren play and have frequent sleepovers at our home, and hosting our Sunday family dinners. I miss observing my grandson, Harrison, a Peck kindergartner, bursting with joy as he runs around with his friends during their recess periods. In my role as Peck’s Admissions Counselor, I miss giving campus tours and showing visitors how our teachers engage their students in the classroom. There are innumerable wonderful things to miss.Yet while the dire news circulates around us and impedes our ability to be together, we are encouraged to remain hopeful and optimistic. This has led me to consider how, while things have changed so much, so quickly, there are some true bright spots in this new life we’re living.
First, I believe that the need for social distancing has actually fostered more interactions with others. For example, I have had more actual conversations on the telephone with my family and with friends (many of whom I met as a Peck parent!) in the past month than I have had in the past two years! I realize that while text messages and emails are easy ways to communicate, these cannot replace the actual sound of another person’s voice. Speaking directly to an individual provides an emotional connection at a time when we need this the most.
And then there is the pace of my daily life. We are sleeping a little later in the morning, having three meals together, and enjoying long, leisurely talks at the dinner table. My house has never been so organized, and I have had the time to tackle projects that I have put off for years.
I have a greater appreciation for the simple things that I took for granted just weeks ago, like having full shelves at any grocery store, dinner with friends in restaurants, attending exercise classes, or participating in a religious service. I am incredibly grateful to the people who are still working to ensure our essential needs are met and will always remember to thank them.
Like all of us, I am hopeful that we will be able to resume some previously common activities very soon. As we commemorated the Passover and Easter holidays last week, typically festive occasions to celebrate with family and friends, it helped me to remember to count all the blessings in my life. I am truly appreciative to be a member of this supportive and inspiring Peck community—one that I miss so very much.