Peck School Blog

Silver Linings: Distance Learning at Peck

Posted by Jen Garvey on Mar 25, 2020 8:39:28 AM

IMG_4614This is a historic time we’re living through. Families, schools, and businesses all over the world are faced with many challenges right now. Despite the disruptions to our normal routines, my family and I are looking for and sharing the silver linings to help us stay positive and healthy. 

As an adult and a lifelong learner, I have a well-established professional learning community online, and I am excited for our students to get a taste of that. Here are some things I think we can enjoy about learning from a proper social distance.

The silver linings of remote learning…

  • You make the schedule (including recess!)
  • Need a snack? Grab a snack! (maybe not during a live class)
  • Want to stand up and walk into another room? Go for it! That’s why they’re called mobile devices.  
  • Take brain breaks any time - maybe you’ll go climb a tree, do some yoga, read a book, or bake something
  • Ever felt over-scheduled? Not anymore! You have all of the time in the world for family time. Every day is Kairos Day! Unplug and do something fun.
  • Doing laundry, cooking, crafting, and taking care of the dog are now considered part of your curriculum. You’re welcome, parents!
  • When else can you bring your pet to school? (Again--maybe not to a live class!) 
  • There are more tools than ever to allow us to connect and collaborate even though we can’t be together in person right now. We will all have authentic firsthand experience utilizing these tools.
  • We are all learning a lot! Teachers are learning new ways to deliver lessons, and students will learn how to continue to act with consideration at the heart of everything they do in these new learning environments. We are working as a team more than ever, and empathy is key!
  • All of this promotes unprecedented levels of creativity and resourcefulness from our entire community.  
  • Asynchronous lessons (like discussion boards) give us time to think carefully about how to respond and to do so on our own time, thoughtfully.
  • More than ever, experts and professionals are coming together to help kids connect.  From social media gatherings and read-alouds, to draw-alongs, to chats, we have access to amazing resources and enriching experiences.
  • We are all opening our eyes, minds, and hearts to just how much is out there in the world to learn from. There is no better silver lining than that.